
How do I place my order on NILIMA website?

Go to our main navigation bar, browse items by category, and select the items you want to buy. After finalizing your choice(s) go for
checkout, and select your shipping methods and payment options. Once you have made the payment your checkout will be complete.

Can I change or cancel my order?

We start the shipping process within 24 hours. So, if you want to cancel or modify any order, please inform our Customer Services Department at your earliest.

As soon as you place your order, we're on it – we know you need it fast! Unfortunately, this means we will be unable to make any changes as it's already being processed at the warehouse (literally within seconds!). You'll need to place another order or return any unwanted items.

How do I track my order?

If you have an account with us, log in to your account. Go to “My Orders” and view order status.


How long will delivery take?

Inside Dhaka within 02 working days & Outside Dhaka within 07 working days.

What are the delivery charges?

Inside Dhaka 60 Tk & Outside Dhaka 150 Tk

 Note: *If the weight increase, the charge will change accordingly.

Can I ship different items in my order to different shipping addresses

Currently we process one shipping address per order. If you would like to ship to different addresses, you may place separate orders and make payments for them separately.

Payment Method

How can I pay for my order?

We accept two types of payment options (Cash on Delivery & Online Payment).

You can avail cash on delivery facilities Since we provide applicable all over Bangladesh. Our delivery agent will collect the cash after giving home delivery of the ordered product(s) for inside Dhaka and for outside Dhaka customer have to pay the due amount to the courier service before collecting the product(s). We are using SSL commerz payment gateway to receive online payments from our honorable customers. It’s a secure and convenient way to manage your account and your time.

Is there any International Payment method?

Yes, you can pay with any Visa, Master Card, American Express Card and PayPal.

Return & Exchange

I received a faulty item, what do i do?

After you receive the shipment, our delivery team will wait for 10 minutes to let you check on the product. If you have any issue with the product, you can contact our Customer Services Department and return the product instantly. We don’t accept returns unless the product is defective.